Audiobooks TMP Voices have recorded over 1000 audiobooks. Please select the language that interests you in the right column. You can listen, make playlists and book directly on our site. Or, contact us directly and we will make the casting process for you. Contact us Ask for a price
Our voicebank We have gathered voices for our voicebank for more than 25 years time. TMP Voices is a very simple and quick tool for you to use when searching for voices in more than 100 languages and dialects. You can now narrow down your search and make is quite specific in terms of finding voice character and reading styles. Search our voicebank or contact us directly for personal and free casting. To Voicebank Contact us and ask for a quote
Most common voice over languages American voice overs British English voice overs English foreign accent voice overs Mid Atlantic English voice overs Scandinavian English voice overs Arabic voice overs Somali voice overs Danish voice overs Estonian voice overs European Spanish voice overs Finnish voice overs French voice overs Dutch voice overs Italian voice overs Chinese Cantonese voice overs Chinese Mandarin voice overs Latvian voice overs Lithuanian voice overs Norwegian voice overs Portuguese voice overs Spanish Latin-American voice overs Swedish voice overs Czech voice overs German voice overs Voiceovers in other languages
NEWS Here is what’s happening at TMP. Follow us on social media, too. home News Our social channels 1 Jun, 2023 New Audiobooks 16 Jun, 2020 TMP Studios - are open all summer 21 Feb, 2020 See our film & find the perfect voice over Explore our voice search tool! 18 Feb, 2020 Time for voice recording? 5 tips to succeed with your voice recording! 11 Dec, 2019 Listen below News at TMP! 7 May, 2019 TMP & TMP Voices now rebranded TMP & TMP Voices - now rebranded Load More